

We now need to have evidence that you have opted in to be emailed either the newsletter and/or ministerial rotas as published under the new EU data protection rules called General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). All those who receive electronic copies of the newsletter and/or ministerial rotas are reminded that you need to respond to the email sent to you. If you do decide to remain on our mailing list you can, of course, request to be removed at any time in the future. If we do not receive a reply, you will no longer receive an electronic version after 20th June 2018. Please be aware that the newsletter and rotas are always sent out “blind copy” so that your email is not disclosed to others on the mailing list. You might also like to take this opportunity to receive electronic copies – please email the Parish Office to be added.

Publishing individual names on our Sick List in the newsletter and in the Church are also covered by the new regulations. Currently names are added to our sick list after verbal consent has been obtained from the individual by Fr. Michael. During the coming weeks we will again need evidence of consent and will be contacting individuals and their families for their renewed consent.

Urgent appeal for Church Cleaners

We need more people to help clean the Church, especially in Oadby parish where the responsibility now rests with just two people. All cleaning materials are provided and the task can be done anytime during the week by arrangement. Cleaning the church demonstrates our respect for God’s house and is a ministry of service to all the community and visitors coming into the church at any time. Please consider if you can offer a couple of hours a month to support this ministry in either parish. June/July ministry rotas have now been prepared and circulated. Hard copies are also available in the narthex of both parishes. If you are unable to fulfil your ministry or going to be away on holiday, please arrange for another to take your place and ask them to let Father Michael or Sacristan know on arrival. Thank you.

Book about the Diocese of Nottingham

…an account of the background to, and the story of, the Diocese of Nottingham. Canon Anthony Dolan, a retired priest and former archivist of our diocese, has, together with many other contributors, compiled this book which contains more than 360 pages of information and photographs about our parishes, religious communities, schools, pilgrimage sites and martyrs. A limited number of copies of the book are available to purchase in your parish at a reduced price of £16, and extra copies can be ordered by emailing or contacting the Retired Priests Appeal Office 0115 888 2644. You can also order from the website We hope you will enjoy reading this fascinating book, the first history of our diocese to be published since 1950.

Appointment of Headteacher

We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Crosse was appointed on Wednesday as the new Headteacher of St. Thomas More Catholic Voluntary Academy. I am sure we will all give her a very warm welcome as she begins her new role in the next Academic year.

Thank you from Fr Michael

A big thank you to our parishioners at both St. Thomas More and Immaculate Conception – So many people gave their time and talents so generously to enable our Holy Week liturgy to be truly inspiring. I would like to thank everyone especially the choir – the months of practice by our choir that resulted in music that was truly uplifting; our organists John Pye and Annette Brindle, as always, played beautifully; our Servers dealt with our quite complicated liturgy with skill and reverence; our Sacristans put in hours of preparation and the small team that came to clean the Churches during Holy Week; our Flower arrangers and all those who exercised their ministries within the liturgies. A big thank you to Fr Anthony Maggs for being with us – he has written to say thank you for the warm welcome and says it is a privilege to share the Triduum with us. Finally, a big thank you for the cards, gifts and generous Easter Offerings.

May God’s blessing be with you and your families and friends during this Easter tide.
Father Michael

Sport Relief Mile

On Sunday 11th March (10.00am – 12.00pm) Knighton parish community are invited to take part in an all-age, all-ability Sport Relief Mile to raise money for many of those in need of our support in the UK and overseas. The route will start and finish in the Parish Rooms. Start/end times are to suit you, but should be within the two-hour window. Fancy dress is encouraged (but optional) along with creative ways of covering the mile route – on a space hopper, pushed in a wheelie bin (by a responsible adult), skipping, conga… walking and jogging are also options, of course, along with being pushed in a pram if you can fit safely! Please avoid bikes, roller skates, skateboards etc. as we don’t want any unnecessary injuries from collisions that might spoil the fun atmosphere. Fancy dress is encouraged too! What better way could there be to start the day for mothers on Mothering Sunday too?!! Refreshments will be available in the Parish Rooms for those who would like to chat while others are taking part. Let’s make this a successful community event that’s truly in the spirit of almsgiving during this Lenten season! Sponsorship forms and more information will be available at weekend Masses, in school and from Guiding and Scouting meetings. Thank you for your support!

Stole of Remembrance

There will be a basket by the Baptismal font at Knighton this weekend and on the 4th and 5th Sundays in Lent for anyone who would like to donate a piece of cotton cloth (about 6” x 4”) to be added to the Knighton Stole of Remembrance for a loved one who has died during the past year.

Lent and Easter booklet

Newsletter 18th February 2018

St Paul’s Ofsted “a good school with an outstanding Sixth Form”

Congratulations to all students and staff at St Paul’s on your OFSTED report.

Mr Lockyer’s has written to parents on this great achievement: The hard work and excellent attitudes of our young people, and the extraordinary commitment and dedication of our staff have been appropriately reflected in this report, which recognises St Paul’s as
“a good school with an outstanding Sixth Form”.
The welcome given to the inspectors by our young people was typically wonderful! Inspectors spoke glowingly not just about their general politeness, but how engaged they were in conversations during the two days. We are frequently so proud of our students who are a great credit, not only to the school, but also to you, their families.


Teas and Coffees after 9.00am Mass

Thank you to our team of very dedicated ladies who have provided teas and coffees after 9.00am Mass over the years. The time has come that some of them would like to hand the baton of hospitality on to the next generation. In order to keep this generous service going, we are looking for more volunteers to join the rota. If you are able to help, please let the parish office know.