
“Walk with Me” Advent booklets

“Walk with Me” Advent booklets are now available price £1.00. Christmas cards and small nativity sets also available from the parish repository.

Missals have been obtained at a very reasonable price of £10.00 and now available to purchase.


Photo: Botanical gardens Oadby

Starting school in September 2015

St Thomas More admissions applications for Autumn Term 2015: children are admitted to the school in the September of the academic year following their fourth birthday.
If there is anyone who wishes to apply for a place for September 2015 (born 01.09.2010 – 31.8.2011) please obtain a Supplementary Form and a Verification Form from the school office.
There is also a requirement to fill in the LA form before January 15 2015. This form can be found at

Memory Cafes

Memory Cafes is a community service welcoming people of all faiths and none that supports those living with dementia and carers. Come along to meet others in a similar situation, have a cuppa and chat and receive support and advice in a friendly environment. Knighton Memory Café next meets at St Thomas More Parish Rooms on Wednesday 26th November, 1.30pm – 3.30pm.


Photo: London

Travelling Nativity

As many of you will know, during Advent every year our travelling Nativity takes a journey around Knighton parish. This is a great way to prepare for Christmas and to celebrate Advent with others – and it’s good fun for the whole family!
Two families meet every day in December as part of our preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, with one family handing the Nativity over to another. If you would like to be part of it, all you have to do is put your name on the day you want to receive the travelling Nativity into your home, the list is in the narthex at Knighton. The travelling Nativity will be brought to you on this day. The following day you will deliver it to the next family on the list. You can agree the arrangements and time to meet with the families you’re meeting.

A vision for the Future?

Please click here for the notes from the consultation meeting held on Tuesday 7th October 2014. Eighty two parishioners of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Thomas More attended.

Father Michael brought the discussions to a conclusion with the following words:

It has been good to gather tonight: THANK YOU. We have worked hard together, and all the contributions will be honoured, recorded, and responded to.
During the evening I was struck by this energised time; of what we have gained from each other for the future. It has been a positive meeting as we move into a time of growth.
We have had previous meetings and discussions, but not everyone is yet engaged. All of us here tonight are engaged, so the challenge to us now is to share what we have heard this evening.


Photo: Bradgate

Living Stones

Next weekend a resume of the anxieties and fears raised at the Consultation Meeting earlier this month will be available. Some can be addressed and answered immediately and I will endeavour to do so in the document. Please continue to keep the consultation process in your prayers over the coming months.


Photo: Lyveden new bield (Northamptonshire)

Local Heritage Asset register

Leicester City Council have informed us that the Church of St. Thomas More is proposed to be included on the new Local Heritage Asset register. The list identifies local heritage assets that may not meet the strict requirements of national designation (i.e. listed buidlings), but nevertheless make a positive contribution to the historic environment of Leicester.

Catholic Certificate in Religious Education

Catholic Certificate in Religious Education is a course of catholic formation for those teaching in a Catholic school or for any Catholic who would like to know more about the Catholic faith. The course commences in January and will be based at St. Thomas More parish rooms. It runs over 2 years and consists of 8 modules each of 10 hours. Please speak to Fr Michael or email St Thomas More parish office if you are interested and/or would like more details.

Photo: Staunton Harold Estate

Consultation meeting

Many thanks to all those who took part in the Immaculate Conception and Saint Thomas More parishes’ consultation meeting. The anxieties and worries that people expressed have now been analysed and put into themes. The top four concerns across the two parishes were in descending popularity: times of Masses, the welfare of the clergy, property issues and parishes not losing their separate identities. All of these anxieties will be addressed in time and will be used to inform the development of any new practices across the parishes. A complete report of the consultation event will be written and placed on both parish websites and a hard copy will be available in both churches. It is expected that this report will be completed in the next two weeks.

Joe Dawson

Regular Activities

* indicates Term Time only
Playgroup* 1.30pm – 3.00pm in Parish Rooms
Brownies* 5.30pm – 7.00pm in Parish Rooms
Guides* 7.00pm – 8.30pm in Parish Rooms
Beavers* 6.00pm – 7.15pm in Parish Rooms
Cubs* 6.00pm – 7.25pm in St Thomas More school
Scouts* 7.35pm – 9.00pm in St Thomas More school
RCIA* 7.15pm – 8.45 in Parish Rooms
Drop in after 10am Mass in Parish Rooms
Youth Cafe* 7.00pm – 8.30pm fortnightly
in the Loft Room 6 Stoughton Avenue
Youth Group* 7.00pm – 8.30pm fortnightly
in Parish Rooms
Choir practice 7.30pm – 8.30pm in Parish Rooms